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Living Beyond Sunday For Sale


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Incorporate faith into your day-to-day family life.

Our relationship with God is not supposed to stay within the walls of our parish when we leave Sunday Mass. Instead, faith should transform our hearts, our families, and our homes into a welcoming place to encounter Christ.

But this isn’t always easy. Home life can be difficult and busy, and it’s easy to get distracted from the point of it all: raising a family of saints.

In Living Beyond Sunday: Making Your Home a Holy Place, two married couples share what has helped them make their homes a place of encounter with God–a place where saints are being made.

This book goes beyond the aesthetic or surface-level attributes of a Catholic home. Beyond that, it shares how to foster holiness in all the little moments in Catholic family life.

Within these pages, Catholics will find:

  • Ways to pray as a family.
  • Guidance for cultivating a peaceful home even with growing children.
  • Ways to strengthen each individual relationship in your family.
  • Practical suggestions for seeking holiness in the midst of family life.
  • Advice on how to take advantage of the daily opportunity to grow in faith as a family.
  • Examples of how to show your children the importance of your marriage.

      Since the earliest centuries, Catholics have been called to sanctify the home by making it a little church. Family meals, shared gathering spaces, and the most mundane tasks–all of these are to be taken up into a higher dimension and bathed in prayer. But in the modern world, it s easy to lose sight of this fact and shape our homes around the latest consumer trends. In Living Beyond Sunday, the Niles and Minihan families take the mystery and guesswork out of the domestic churchshowing you how to sanctify your home simply, wisely, and practically. Every Catholic family should own a copy of this book!

      –Sam Guzman

      Author of The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today


      Living Beyond Sunday is a much-needed guide to bringing the Catholic faith to life inside the home. With concrete ideas that are simple to implement–but offer good reminders and challenges, too–Catholic families can take the guesswork out of what the domestic church means and begin to grow together in radiant faith.

      –Pat Flynn

      Author of How to Be Better at (Almost) Everything


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